Monday, August 27, 2012

Gears of War 3 (The Walls of Brotherhood) BTS

The week after I was in Sonoma shooting for Audi I found my self the chronicler of yet another massive production down in LA. This time it was for a teaser campaign for the upcoming Gears of War 3. This made me very happy because I'd done work for both of the first two games, and I'm somewhat of a completest. So it felt only right to be involved with this one in some way.

This time around, however, I wasn't directly involved with the campaign itself. I was the guy running around the set detailing all the 'Making Of' portion of the project. Basically my task was to make friends with the production crew, and shoot everything. Which I did! 3 full days on set, hanging out with the art department, getting to know the camera crew, BSing with the pryo guys! so much fun and I was soaking up everything like a sponge!

You can see my behind the scene photos here, and be sure to check out the site for the full experience!

Or you could just watch the case study.

Got a nice little write up from Creativity too!

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